Day 17: The Copywriter Underground
The Copywriter Underground Gives You The Hands-on Coaching And Support You’ll Need To Get To Six Figures
It Won’t Be Easy, But You (Yes, YOU) Can Build A Scary-Successful Copywriting Business. And We Can Help.
Man — it’s comfortable in here, isn’t it?
Maybe even a little too comfortable.
Whether you’ve been a copywriter for six days or six years...
If you’re freelancing, it can be easy to coast.
I’ll start cold emailing new clients tomorrow.
And then “tomorrow” turns into “next week” — which, in most cases, means “I’ll do that shit when I absolutely have to, and not a second sooner.”
Even though you know you should be working to build your authority, charge more, or get a few extra clients, it’s hard to motivate yourself once you’ve reached a “safe” spot.
And that’s the problem. Freelancing isn’t safe. Your clients could find a cheaper, more qualified copywriter tomorrow.
Or they could decide they’re not getting enough ROI to afford you anymore.
Or that they “want to go in a new direction.”
There’s a lot that could go wrong.
But that’s just the risk of being able to work in your PJ’s and take the afternoon off to watch The Crimes of Grindelwald, right?
Not exactly.
See, the most successful copywriters, the ones who are making six figures per year or more (and are still working in their PJ’s — don’t be fooled) are probably doing something you’re not.
What Successful Copywriters Do Differently
“Get busy living or get busy dying.”
Yeah, it’s cliche as hell, we know. But it’s more than just a clever line from Shawshank.
It’s a universal truth that the best copywriters practice every day — whether they realize it or not.
This job, fun as it is, requires constant growth. You’re either consistently improving or you’re getting left in the dust.
(How many cliches can we throw in one section?)
So, if you want to be a member of The Six-Figure Club (we should copyright that — no pun intended), you’ll need to work. A lot.
But what should you work on?
Growing your email list?
Reading Breakthrough Advertising until your eyes are so red it looks like you’ve spent all morning in an Amsterdam coffee shop?
What You Really Need To Earn Six Figures Per Year
See, the road to six figures isn’t paved with concrete blocks labeled “work.”
Instead, it’s paved with “the right work.”
But if you haven’t joined The Six-Figure Club yet (unlike “fetch,” this is going to be a thing — sorry, Gretchen), it’s hard to know what the hell you should be doing.
And if you spend your time on the wrong things, you’ll wake up one year from now in the same spot.
Charging the same rate…
Working with the same (mediocre) clients…
And doubting, almost every day, whether or not you’re actually a “real” copywriter or just someone who’s pretending to be one for a while.
The Biggest Failure A Copywriter Can Make (It’s Not What You Think)
The biggest failure a copywriter can make isn’t what people typically call “failure.”
It’s not getting turned down because your rates are too high or your samples aren’t good enough.
It’s getting too comfortable. Failing to achieve your full potential. (Is that another cliche? Whatever. It’s true.)
The biggest failure a copywriter can make is being afraid to fail.
Because that fear leads to inaction, which leads to years of doing the same thing over and over again, hoping that, maybe one day, your ideal client will fall from the sky and say:
“OMG. Where have you been my whole life!? Please, please, PLEASE work with us!”
Yeah. If you never take any action, if you’re afraid to fail, that’s never gonna happen. (Trust us, we’ve tried it.)
But we have found one thing that does work:
Doing the damn thing.
Even when you’re scared. Even when you don’t think you’re good enough. Even when you “know” it won’t work.
It’s not sexy. And it’s not always fun.
But with the right resources, it can get a little easier.
The Copywriter Underground: For Copywriters Who Want To Stop Coasting And Do The Damn Thing
We didn’t build The Copywriter Underground for freelancers who are comfortable with being comfortable.
For people who are okay with just getting by.
We built it for copywriters who want more.
For copywriters who are willing to be scared and do the thing anyway.
For copywriters who want to do more than just pay their bills every month.
Sound like you? Keep reading.
What The Copywriter Underground Is — And What It Isn’t
First things first:
(I’m the realest — sorry not sorry, “Fancy” will always have a place in my heart.)
The Copywriter Underground is not a course.
It’s not a one-and-done. It’s not a series of training videos that you can watch and then say, “Welp, guess I’m done now?”
The Copywriter Underground is a membership, a community — a commitment.
It’s a commitment to yourself to start taking your career seriously.
A community of over 150 other copywriters who will be there to support you every step of the way.
And a membership to a site that puts out the copywriting training to help you get better clients, charge more money, and join The Six Figure Club.
When you become a moleperson (That’s what we call our members. Sexy, isn’t it?), you get:
Access to training from the best copywriters in the industry (including Joe Schriefer, Copy Chief at Agora Financial, Kevin Rogers, creator of the Copy Chief Community, and David Garfinkel, known as “The World’s Greatest Copywriting Coach”)
Copywriting templates the pros use to run their businesses (like Client On- and Off-Boarding checklists, Client Briefs, Research Templates, and more)
The opportunity to sit in the Hot Seat and get personalized advice on your biggest business challenges
Juicy extras like the “Direct Marketing Secrets” seminar with Gary Halbert and an interview with Brian Kurtz’s “Mount Rushmore of Copywriters,” including David Deutsch, Arthur Johnson, Eric Betuel, and Parris Lampropoulos
Membership in our exclusive Facebook Community of 150+ copywriters working hard to grow their businesses and do the damn thing
These aren’t just bullets on a list.
They’re the tools you’ll use to propel your copywriting business to the next level — whether you’ve been at this for a while or if it’s hard to even refer to yourself as a “copywriter” some days.
What Type Of Copywriter Will You Be One Year From Now?
The copywriter who’s “just getting by?”
Accepting the same rate from the same clients?
Wishing your business would grow instead of actually making it happen?
Or will you do the damn thing, instead?
Take the action you know will help grow your business?
Start putting in the work you know needs to happen to reach your goals?
It’s your call.
But if you want the hands-on coaching and support you’ll need to join The Six-Figure Club, join The Copywriter Underground today.
[Click Here To Join The Copywriter Underground]