Stories That Sell: How To Transform Your Life Events Into Money


What if there was one special type of email that could bring in money for your business every single day AND help you develop a meaningful connection with your audience?

There is. Here’s how to get…

The 8-Step “EVT Framework” That Lets You Transform Any Event From Your Life Into A Meaningful, Money-Making Email

So yeah. I think that’s all pretty self-explanatory. But basically…

I made something that helps personal brands earn more money from their email lists and connect more deeply with readers…

At the same MF time.

Pretty cool, right?

Because, no offense, but when it comes to email marketing…

A lot of personal brands are shitting the bed.

Not literally. At least, I hope not.

What I mean is that many personal brands just don’t know how to do email marketing well.

They either follow random templates they’ve found online, or they try to copy what others in their space are doing.

They know their emails could be better. And worst of all:

The Way They’re Doing Email Marketing Right Now Doesn’t Feel Genuine

It makes them feel icky, greasy, and surprisingly sticky.

But it’s not their fault.

For one — there’s so much information out there that it can feel impossible to know whose advice to follow.

So a random email template from the internet — even if it doesn’t feel like “you” — is better than no template at all.

And for two — if you, yourself, are a coach, consultant, author, or speaker…

You already have 10,000+ other things on your plate. How are you supposed to find the time to get good at email marketing!?


In most cases, you don’t.

And instead, you do what everyone else is doing.

It doesn’t feel great. But it’s better than nothing, right?

Well what if I told you there was a better way?

Like, what if I told you that you could:

  • Earn more money from your email list…

  • Build a list of fans who love you AND love buying from you…

  • And start doing your email marketing in a more genuine way…

All You Have To Do Is Learn To Write One Single Type Of Email

I know.

It sounds crazy. Sensational. Even, dare I say it…



Let me be clear:

I’m not saying you can use one single type of email for your WHOLE ENTIRE email marketing strategy.

That’s crazy talk.

But I am saying that this single type of email can make up 100% of your broadcast email marketing strategy.

That means that if you’re manually sending out emails to your list on a regular basis…

Or if you want to start emailing your list on a regular basis…

Learning to write this single type of email is…

One Of The Most Valuable Things You Can Do To Keep Subscribers Engaged

In fact, if you can get good at this one single type of email — you’ll be able to:

  • Send authentic emails that cause readers to form a genuine connection with you…

  • NEVER run out of engaging content to send to your email list…

  • And earn more money from your list in the process.

Not only that, but once you know how to write them…

You’ll (Probably) Be Able To Write These Emails In 45 Minutes Or Less

That headline might be stronger if it said:

“You’ll Be Able To Write These Emails In 30 Minutes Or Less”

Because you absolutely can write one in 30 minutes or less. Then send it and bring in some money for your business.

But I’d guess that, on average, it takes me about 45-60 minutes to write my emails…

So I figured I’d be conservative with that headline.

But keep in-mind:

I’m a perfectionist with OCD.

So if your brain is a little more “normal” than mine…

You will probably write your emails faster than I do.

Now I Know You Might Have Heard Stuff Like This Before

Everyone claims that their strategy is…


So if you’re skeptical, I get it. But just so we’re clear:

What I’m about to share with you isn’t a trick. It’s not a gimmick. And it’s not magic either, unfortunately.

It will still require work on your end — my goal is to just make that work a lot faster and easier.

Cool? Cool.

Anyway, I’ve been rambling for a while. I should probably introduce myself.

Hi, I’m Robert. And Here Are Some Things People Say Things About The Emails I Write:

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Now That You (Hopefully) Recognize I’m Not (Completely) Full Of Shit…

Let’s Talk About The Surprising Problem Most Personal Brands Have With Email Marketing:

If you talk to enough coaches, consultants, speakers, or authors about their email marketing, you’ll notice a trend:

They’re overwhelmed.

They feel like they’re not doing enough when it comes to their email marketing.

Either they’re not sending enough emails — or they worry the emails they are sending aren’t good enough.

That’s not surprising. Here’s what IS surprising, though:

Many “personal” brands are not “personal” AT ALL when it comes to their email list.

They send out boring, newsletter-style emails with news no one wants to read.

They send out sales emails that don’t bring in any sales.

And they send out value-packed emails that no one sees the value in.


Sorry to be so direct. But I already told you how great your hair looks today, so I think you should give me a little leniency here.

Here’s the good news, though—

If that sounds familiar, then you’re in the right place. Because you’re about to discover…

The 1 Single Type Of Email That Can Help You Build A Genuine Connection With Your Audience And Earn More Money…

At The Same MF Time

(In case “MF” is an unfamiliar abbreviation — it means “motherfucking.”)

So anyway…

What is this single type of email I’ve been talking about?

Storytelling emails.

You can use storytelling emails to:

  • Earn more money from your email list…

  • Build a list of fans who love you AND love buying from you…

  • Sell your products without feeling greasy about it…

  • And turn any event from your life into a money-making email.

So Why Are Storytelling Emails So Important? (It All Comes Down To The “Magic Flag” Strategy)

Can we play pretend for a second?

Okay cool.

Imagine you’re on a crowded beach. And imagine you’re playing a game on this crowded beach.

The goal of the game is to make as many friends as possible with as little effort as possible.

Now imagine you have a “magic flag.”

Your magic flag is a perfect representation of who you are…

What you stand for…

And what kind of friend you are.

Now, you could walk around to different groups of people and try to talk them into being your friend.

But that would be a LOT of effort. (And it would be kind of awkward.) Don’t you think?

Wouldn’t it be much easier to raise your magic flag and see what happens?

So that’s what you decide to do.

You plant your flag in the ground.

And at first, nothing happens.

But then, people start to notice it.

Most people look at it, then they smile at you, and go on with their business.

But after a while, a small group of people starts to gather around you.

Throughout the day, the crowd grows bigger and bigger.

This isn’t a normal crowd of people, either. These are people who have seen your magic flag and thought:

“What a beautiful flag! I would love to be friends with that person!”

They share the same values you do. And they have the same beliefs as you, too.

By the time the sun goes down…

You’ve made more friends than you can count!

Storytelling emails are your “magic flag.”

They let people know who you are…

What you stand for…

And what kind of business owner you are.

They attract your ideal customers to you — people who share similar values and beliefs.

And if you know how to seamlessly transition into an effective sales pitch at the end of your storytelling emails…

You can use them to bring in money for your business every single day.

So What’s The Best Way To Learn How To Write Storytelling Emails?

I mean…

You know where I’m going with this, right?

On May 21, 2021, I asked my email list:

“If you were going to buy a course from me…

What would you want it to be about?”

Here are a few of the responses:

“Your email storytelling is top notch.”

“… seeing your emails in my inbox is like finding some change in my pocket. Not sure how or why it's there. But I'm damn happy that it is.”

“… what I value most about your emails is how they basically read themselves. It’s effortless to scan through it and always enjoyable.”

“I frequently find myself envious of how natural storytelling seems to be for you.”

So I created a comprehensive course that teaches you exactly how to write storytelling emails that sell, so you can:

Earn more money from your email list…

Build a list of fans who love you AND love buying from you…

Sell your products without feeling greasy about it…

And turn any event from your life into a money-making email.

It’s called:

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It’s a 14,000-word master class on how to write entertaining, story-driven emails.

Here’s a taste of what you’ll find in it:

  • My 12-word email marketing philosophy you can use as a “North Star” to make sure every email you send is both genuine and effective

  • How to overcome “selling shame” in less than 15 seconds

  • Why you should NOT try to sound like an “expert” in every single email you send (and what you can do instead)

  • How often should you email your list? I’ll share my big-picture thoughts, so you can decide what’s best for your business

  • The 4-word question you should ask yourself to make your subscribers more likely to read your emails (and what to do if you don’t like the answer)

  • My “backwards strategy” for coming up with email topics — it’s uncomfortable at first, but it works like a charm

  • A simple, straightforward way to start emailing your list if you haven’t sent anything in a while

  • 2 ways to identify stories in your daily life that you can turn into money-making emails (and 1 bonus type of email to have in your back pocket)

  • Copywriters Only: The 2 things you NEED to do to get good stories from your clients (PLUS, a helpful online service you can use to make the writing process easier)

  • The #1 thing you should always do before writing a storytelling email (This question will instantly improve your email copywriting skills — no joke)

  • Want to tell good stories in your emails? Then you need to do THIS in real life — I’m not talking about doing things “just for the story,” either. This is a habit you can practice any time, anywhere.

  • The “1+1=1/2” trick you can use to immediately strengthen your writing

  • 8 questions to ask yourself before you write a single word of copy — Do this right, and you’ll get your subconscious mind to write a big portion of your email for you

  • Do THESE 5 things to write a storytelling email people can’t stop reading (Check out Module 6)

  • The “trail of beans” tactic you can use to make your emails more entertaining and keep readers quickly moving through your copy

  • The 8-step “EVT Framework” that lets you transform any event from your life into a money-making email (PLUS, 4 examples and 1 breakdown of an email that follows this framework)

  • How to write the first draft of your email — Specific mindset tricks you can use to make writing fast and fun

  • Want to write emails that “read themselves?” Follow these 5 tips to make your emails so easy to read that people can’t stop themselves until the end

  • Interesting writing all comes back to THIS 1 thing. I’ll share what it is, and 2 “cheat codes” to help you make your writing more interesting

  • The hidden benefit of emailing your list on a regular basis (When this happens, you’ll know you’ve built a genuine connection with your audience)

  • The “tree trunk analogy” you can use to make a “too-short” story long enough for email… and a “too-long” story short enough for email

  • How to write irresistible subject lines (2 things to keep in mind)

  • The “split-second hungry shark” trick you can use to determine if you have a strong subject line or not

  • How to sell something in your emails without sounding (or feeling) like a douchebag

  • The “red thread” strategy you can use to seamlessly transition into your product pitch (PLUS, 3 ways to start doing it in your emails)

  • A quick-and-dirty, 4-step sales template you can use to sell your product at the end of your emails

If you want to write storytelling emails that earn more money for your business and help you connect with your audience in a genuine way…

This course teaches you the skills you need to do it.

At this point, you might be wondering:

“How Much Does Stories That Sell Cost?”

A lot of people like to compare their products to the price of a Starbucks latte or a steak dinner.

So I’ll do that here:

Stories That Sell costs a lot more than a Starbucks latte.

It costs about twice as much as a steak dinner (depending on where you eat your steak dinners at).

And it costs a lot less than hiring me for a project.

Hell — it’s even $400 cheaper than hiring me for a 1-hour Copy Review Call.

Stories That Sell costs $97.

That’s it.

There’s no continuity program. There’s no upsell. There’s no hidden fees.

It’s $97 to learn a skill that has the power to bring in countless dollars for your business over the next year…

And — depending on which products you have for sale right now and how quickly you get through the course…

It might even be able to pay for itself as soon as tomorrow.

So if you can see the value in that…

Click the button below to get instant access to Stories That Sell.

0-Day Money-Back Guarantee

That’s not a typo.

I know this is the part where I’m supposed to offer a money-back guarantee.

Buuuut I’m not gonna do that.

Here’s why:

Stories That Sell is delivered digitally.

Once you buy it, you’ll always have access to it.

That being the case, a return is impossible. I would give people their money back, but they’d still have access to the course. And that doesn’t seem fair to me.

All that to say:

If you get Stories That Sell… you’re in it to win it.

No take-backsies.

If you’re not ready for that sort of commitment — no worries.

But if you’re ready to earn more money from your email list…

Build a list of fans who love you AND love buying from you…

Sell your products without feeling greasy about it…

And turn any event from your life into a money-making email…

Click the button below to get instant access to Stories That Sell.

So, Uhhh, What’re We Gonna Do Here?

So you’ve made it to the end of the page.

(And your hair still looks great. What products are you using!?)

Odds are:

You’re probably considering getting Stories That Sell, but you’re not sold yet.

And that’s alright.

The truth is:

If you don’t get this course, the sky isn’t going to fall. You’re not going to be cursed with bad luck. Nothing immediately negative will happen.

You’ll just “X” out of this page and move on with your life.

But — and this is a big but (my favorite kind)…

You still won’t be getting the results you deserve from your email marketing…

And you still won’t be making the genuine connection you want with your audience.

Email marketing will continue to be a sore spot that makes you feel overwhelmed and stressed…

Instead of excited and confident.

So if you’re okay with that — then by all means, feel free to close out of this page and move on with your life.

But if you’re not okay with that — if you want to get better results from your email marketing…

If you want to start building a genuine connection with your audience…

And if you want to learn a skill that can help transform any event from your life into money for your business — every single day…

Then click the button below to get instant access to Stories That Sell.

To Sum Everything Up:

Stories That Sell is a 14,000-word master class in how to transform any event from your life into a money-making email.

It’s perfect for personal brands who want to develop a genuine connection with their audience and use email to consistently bring in money for their business with minimal work or stress.

There is no money-back guarantee. If you get it — you’re in it to win it.

If you want to buy it…

Click the button below.