A Quick Story About Why You Should Create Low-Priced Products Too
Photo by William Krause on Unsplash
My mom is a little woman.
She’s 5'3 and barely weighs more than a barbell.
She’s a career nurse — with blonde hair and zero tattoos — who loves “bedazzling” things with rhinestones.
But the funny thing is…
She loves rock music. And not the kind of rock music most mothers love.
I’m not talking about Bruce Springsteen or The Rolling Stones. I’m talking about the heavy stuff.
Here’s an example
One time, my mom took me to a doctor’s appointment (when I was probably too old to be taken to the doctor anyway).
We’re sitting in the appointment room waiting on the doc and she has a pair of headphones in.
“What are you listening to, mom?”
She says with a smile.
So it might not surprise you to hear…
A few years back, my mom found herself at a heavy metal festival featuring Ozzy Osbourne, Rob Zombie, and a band called Five Finger Death Punch.
At some point during the festival, she decided she wanted a drink.
But remember, my mom is a little woman.
One shot of anything is enough to make her woozy for a while. So, she tells the bartender something like:
“I actually don’t want a lot of bourbon in my drink.”
He laughs (because this is probably the first — and only — time someone has asked for LESS alcohol) and says:
“No problem. I’ll give you half-shots. And since it’s half the alcohol, I’ll only charge you half-price.”
My mom went back to that same bartender every time she needed a drink for the rest of the festival.
So, what does this story about my bourbon-drinking, head-banging mom have to do with marketing?
Well, quite a bit.
Here’s the deal:
If you’re a personal brand, it’s fun to build huge, “everything-you-could-ever-need-in-a-thousand-years,” flagship products. But the fact is…
The majority of your audience doesn’t need anything that substantial.
And even if they do, they need to build some trust with you before they’re ready to spend the thousands of dollars those products normally cost.
So, don’t be afraid to create introductory products, low-priced offers for people who don’t need a “full shot” of whatever you’re offering.
Because after buying a few low-priced offers, that same customer might return for your stronger, more expensive products.
And even if they don’t, you will have created a loyal customer who not only buys from you again and again, but also tells her family about you too.
That’s powerful.