How to make a good omelette
This was also published as an email to my list. If you want to join and get 🔥🔥🔥 marketing tips…
I’ve been making a lot of omelettes lately.
Now, normally I’m not an omelette guy. I’d much rather fry a couple eggs and call it day.
But maybe since I’ve needed some sort of excitement in my life lately — I’ve decided to get real crazy and start making omelettes.
(Somebody call the cops on this guy. He’s out of control.)
Anyway, I think I’ve perfected the omelette making process. And there are two tricks you need to follow to get your omelettes perfect:
1. Mix in some heavy whipping cream with your eggs. (Beat those MFs like they owe you money.)
2. And then, after you pour your eggs into the pan, cover it with a lid for a few minutes.
I normally keep the burner at medium-low heat. My friend Jesse once taught me that the key to making good eggs is cooking them slowly…
And he’s right.
After about 3ish minutes, you should be able to take the lid off your pan and have a beautiful egg base for your omelette.
Now, if you’re thinking…
“Hey Robert, I signed up for this email list to get marketing tips — not omelette guidance…”
… I’d say that’s fair. So here’s what me making omelettes has to do with marketing:
A lot of the time (maybe all the time), the key to doing something well is following a proven process. Whether you’re talking about making omelettes or writing emails…
The process is key.
That’s why I’ll be sharing my email-writing process with you next week in my brand-new course:
How to Write Good Emails: An 11-Step Process
It’s a 54-minute training where I take you from:
“Ugh — how am I going to write this email?”
“Holy crap! I just finished that email… and it’s actually GOOD!”
Basically, it’s the exact process I would teach you if you came to me and asked:
“Hey Robert, will you teach me to write emails like you do?”
I haven’t fully decided on pricing yet, but I’m going to give a hefty discount to anyone who’s already on my list. (That means YOU!)
I’m excited about it. And I hope you are too.
So keep an eye on your inbox and I’ll send over all the details early next week.
Have a great weekend. Stay safe (and healthy!) out there.