3 quotes guiding how I’m looking at the recession
Photo by Pascal van de Vendel on Unsplash
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We are in a recession right?
I’ve been tuning out the news, but last I heard — shit wasn’t too great.
(“Covid is a total fucking nightmare. Stay home. The economy is in shambles. Everyone is getting a $1,200 check.” Got it.)
But as far as my personal business goes…
I am frightfully, dangerously, maybe irresponsibly optimistic right now.
A large part of it is probably because I have a skill that I believe can weather the storm…
And you might too.
If you’re reading this, I’m going to assume you have some interest in marketing. That’s good. Because it leads into the first quote I want to share with you.
A guy named Ian Stanley has been doing free training sessions over the last couple weeks to help people get their bearings through all this.
(You can get on his list here. And I’d recommend you do.)
One of the things he’s been saying goes something like this:
“People want to make money right now more than ever. But they’re also more scared than ever. If you can help them make money with very little risk, you’re going to do alright.”
That’s not a direct quote, but it’s the general sentiment.
As marketers, we have the knowledge and ability to help people make money. But how do we do it while minimizing their risk?
According to Ian, it’s all about how you structure the deal.
Basically, he says you want to create a deal where “when they win, you win.”
He recommends learning an “Exponential Income Skill” and setting up deals with a revenue share in order to make this happen.
He’s offering a few paid training options right now, where he will be teaching people an Exponential Income Skill…
And I think he’ll also be teaching a few things about how to set up those deals. At least I hope he will.
Here’s a Q&A session he did about those paid training options.
And here’s a link to the checkout page if you want to get one of them.
(Not an affiliate link btw. I’m just doing this, so I wanted to share. I’m doing the Exponential Income Skills training. Also, according to that checkout page, it closes in a few hours. Just a heads up.)
So that’s quote #1. If you’re a marketer — you might have the best set of skills for this odd time.
Here’s quote #2, and it’s from Warren Buffet.
“Be fearful when others are greedy, and greedy when others are fearful.”
He’s also worth $72.6 billion, so I’d say he’s onto something.
If you have the resources and the ability, now could be a good time to get greedy.
(Also this isn’t investment advice. I’m not a financial advisor, so don’t listen to me.)
I’m not really talking about money. I’m talking about getting greedy with the way you’re handling your work.
A lot of people are afraid right now. And I think there’s a lot of value in someone who can be calm during the storm.
So double down on your skills. Don’t be afraid to tell people what you’re good at and how you can help them.
When everyone else is afraid, see if you can be confident.
Aaaaand that leads us into quote #3, from George Bernard Shaw:
“Reasonable people adapt themselves to the world. Unreasonable people attempt to adapt the world to themselves. All progress, therefore, depends on unreasonable people.”
Maybe being bold and bullish right now is unreasonable.
But I’d rather be unreasonable than hopeless.