89.4% of people can't do this...

Damn... that's a specific number, isn't it?

And now, I bet you're wondering:

1) Where the hell it came from, and...

2) What the hell it has to do with anything.

And I will tell you. I promise. But first, I have to tell you a quick story:

Last night, I was talking with a friend who's thinking about starting a new workout program.

He asked if I would be interested in joining him. I said yes. Because it's been a while since I've had a workout partner, and I think it would be fun to have one again.

"Awesome," he said. "But there is a catch -- the only time I can do it is in the morning."

"Aaaaand that's where you lost me," I said.

If he's going to work out in the morning, it's gonna be a "no" from me, dog.

I won't do it.

Because the morning is when I'm most productive.

It's when I do my best work. And it's when I work the fastest.

I've even called the work I do in the early morning "ghost work," because sometimes, when I wrap up a productive morning work session...

It feels like that time just disappeared.

I sat down at my computer for 3 - 4 hours and the work magically did itself.

That's the beauty of understanding what I'll call your "work rhythms."

And here's where that 89.4% number comes in...

Back in 2019...

"... the established business ownership rate in the United States was 10.6 percent." (Source)

I'm sure that number is a bit different now. But for the sake of this email, let's just assume it's stayed the same.

That makes 89.4% of people employees at someone else's business.

(That's an oversimplification. But my goal is to illustrate a point, not prepare a "State of the Union" address. So bear with me.)

As an employee -- most of the time, you're not really encouraged to work when you're most effective. You're encouraged to work from 9AM - 5PM.

That means that 89.4% of the population doesn't get to build a schedule around their own work rhythms.

But if you're a freelancer or a business owner...

Building your schedule around your work rhythms is one of the best things you can ever do.

You'll get more work done in a shorter period of time. You'll feel more productive. And most importantly...

You'll enjoy work more.

So I'm going to stick with my solo evening workouts.

And if you can...

I think you should pay attention to your own work rhythms and build your schedule around them.

When are you most productive?

When are you most creative?

When does work feel the "easiest" for you?

Whenever that time is -- build your schedule around it.


Robert Lucas